Vacation Bible School 2020
We may not be able to be together, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have VBS!
Here’s what to expect. You will pick up the materials your child will need for each days activities on Sunday June 21st. (These include craft items and Bible story items.) Our worship rally and opening will be live at 9AM via zoom; our Bible Story and craft instruction will be available via video each day on Pritchard Kids Facebook Page and Youtube account.
So what are you waiting for? Register today and come have some fun with us as we learn about Jesus’ work in our lives!
Your kids explore a world of concrete and cranes, rivets and rebar, bulldozers and backhoes, they will learn to build their faith on Jesus as they uncover the truth that He who began a good work will be faithful to carry it on to completion.
Philippians 1:6
VBS for all 3 year olds through completed 5th Graders!
Cost: Free