All In-Person Services and Activities are canceled until further notice. Worship will live stream online only Sundays at 10:30 am.
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Worship Celebration - Sundays at 10:30 AM
The Art of Neighboring: The Time Barrier
Time can be a major excuse which creates a barrier in the way God will use us. Listen and be encoura...
The Art of Neighboring: Taking the Great Commandment Literally
This is the first of our Charlotte City-Unified Sermon Series "The Art of Neighboring!"
Nobody. Everybody. Somebody
You are SOMEBODY when recognizing God and centering your life in His will! It's an amazing journey w...
A Life-Giving Yes
Rev. Kristen Tucker shares her call into ministry and the "NEW THING" God has shown her in 2019 to b...
Our Joyful Trials
How do you handle trials that come your way? What if God never asked you to handle them on your own?...
Experiencing God: Find Out Where God Is At Work and Join Him
Based off the powerful study Experiencing God, Rev. Bobby Morrow shares how we can look for God and ...
Whistle While You Work
It's Labor Day Weekend! Have you ever thought about your perspective at work? This message is compel...
Getting More Than Expected
Do you have expectations during your times of waiting? For your life? Rev. Bobby Morrow digs into ou...
Camp Caswell Celebration
This service was to hear all the great things our Senior Adults got to experience at Summerfest 2019...
Identify Yourself: Camp Ridgecrest Report
This is a special service reflecting on our Children & Youth's Summer camp in Ridgecrest, NC.