Weekly ZOOM Fellowship & Bible Study


Each week there is Fellowship, Bible Study & Prayer Time over Zoom. Fellowship will be 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm for everyone to catch up. 7:00-8:00 pm will be Bible Study & Prayer Time. Zoom link will be located each week in Pritchard E-Connect (our weekly announcement email). Schedule November 2nd: Jeff Rogers November 9th: Bobby Morrow November 16th: Keith …

Adult Fall Pritchard Connect Class Registration


Registration Details: Fall Pritchard Connect Adult Classes will begin Wednesday September 11th (one class will begin Sunday, September 8th) and end in November. All classes are FREE. Registration IS REQUIRED.Registration will close September 9th. Dinner & a prayer meeting will take place 5:00-6:00 p.m. (Kids menu will be available) Dinner reservations are $7.00 adult/$5.00 child; Family living under one roof …