Come join us Saturday, April 17th for our first outdoor movie night of the year! Overflow is from 5:05-6:05 pm and then Vito’s Pizza Food Truck will be here for dinner! At dusk we will begin our family-friendly movie in the Pritchard Courtyard! Invite family & friends!
Overflow December Saturday Nights
More details about Overflow HERE
Easter 2020 Celebration
This special service will be ONLINE LIVE and you and your family will be able to have a great celebration at home.
Palm Sunday Celebration
This special service will be ONLINE LIVE and you and your family will be able to have communion at home.
Christmas Eve Service
This is a wonderful tradition where we come together to celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Bring all your family & friends for this very special evening.
Fall Festival!
JOIN THE FUN Saturday October 19, 2019 4:00 p.m. – 6:00pm Pritchard at South End 1117 South Blvd. Charlotte NC This event is free and for the entire family! We will have Inflatables, Trunk-Or-Treat, Wear your favorite costume, Games, Free popcorn & cotton candy!
Becoming Us Live: The Enneagram, The Gospel & Your Marriage
Transform Your Marriage Using the Enneagram! You’re invited to Becoming Us Live, a date event for couples who want to apply a Christ-centered Enneagram to understand one another better. Beth & Jeff McCord of Your Enneagram Coach will be combining their 24 years of marriage experience and 17 years of Enneagram research to show us how to better serve, communicate …