Aug 29, 2021 I Met the Master Face to Face Speaker Rev. Bobby Morrow Jesus challenged Nicodemus' thoughts about being born again. That meeting was intentional with Jesus... Scripture: John 3:1-7
Aug 28, 2021 7 Letters 7 Letters: Revelation Speaker Rev. Kristen Tucker Most are fearful to read the Book of Revelation. However, Kristen will be taking the next SEVEN week... Scripture: Revelation 2:18-29
Mar 27, 2021 Good News Good News: Cross Reflection Speaker Rev. Kristen Tucker Jesus was now betrayed by one of His very own: Judas Iscariot. Jesus now would be put to death on th... Scripture: John 12:4-6, Mark 14:6-11
Oct 11, 2020 Playing Dodgeball With Reality Speaker Rev. Bobby Morrow Have you heard the saying, “The devil made me do it?” This statement is often said to dodge any resp... Scripture: Genesis 3:1-13, 4:8-9
Jul 19, 2020 Sinners Saved By Grace Speaker Rev. Bobby Morrow Grace is unmerited favor, meaning getting a prize you did not deserve, or earn, or pay for. Scriptur... Scripture: John 8:1-11